Yiddish Jokes  and Humor

There's nothing like an old Yiddish joke!


Brand new Chevrolet

Vun day Chaim vas valking down da street. Ven who did he see vas driving a brand new Chevrolet?

It vas Moishe!

Moishe pulled up in front of him vit a vide smile!

Chaim asked, 'Moishe ver did you get dat car?'

'Rochel gave it to me.' said Moishe.

'She gave it to you? Vell I knew she vas sveet on you, but dis?' exclaimed Chaim.

'Vell let me tell you vat happened. Ve vere driving out on da #6 county road out in da middle ah'novere, and suddenly Rochel pulled of da road into da voods! She parked da car, got out and trew off alla her clothes! And den she said, 'Moishe take vatever you vant!' 'So, I took da car!'.

'Moishe,' Chaim said, 'You are such a smart man, dose clothes voulda never fit ya!'


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That was funny! But having parents who spoke Yiddish around the house when I was a kid, I know that ANYTHING spoken in Yiddish is always going to be funnier! 

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